Monday, December 3, 2012

Chocolate Mug Brownie is the best dessert EVER!

I guess I have been slacking in the dessert department and had to figure out something to fix in a pinch (besides pudding parfaits.)  And yes, we still have 10+ half gallons of ice cream in the freezer.

I remembered a recent blog post by my SIL for these lovely brownies.  I hadn't clicked on the link previously and didn't realize that the recipe came from my most favorite cook of all time Mr. Food!  

This was the easiest, quickest, best tasting dessert made in a matter of minutes that I have EVER had. NO LIE!!

The brownie right after it left the microwave.

And then you add a scoop of vanilla ice cream!!!

Just imagine ooey gooey brownie that cooks in 60-70 seconds. It's like lava cake and cookie/brownie dough mixed together! Everyone should try it!!!  Here's the link:

A huge thank you to my SIL! 

Till next time....

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That brownie is dangerous!!