Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just a Quick Whine Blog. Maybe I Should Get Some Wine...

My darling C#1 was about to leave this morning and he could not find the mouthpiece for his instrument. Needless to say, I was very upset (putting it mildly.) Not only have we had this "discussion" before, he had to leave in two minutes. GRRRRrrrrr!  Why or WHY?!? Isn't there a rule where you're supposed to get your sh*t together the night before?!? Aren't I supposed to see said piece put in the bag ALWAYS?!?! URGGHH!!  I guess that really isn't working...

Anyway, his lovely Highness escaped the hide and seek party and got to go to school. I spent the next 1 1/2 hours looking for it and not finding it anywhere. WHERE.DID.IT.GO?!?!?!  I know he played it before going to bed, so it must be in his room, right?!?! I hoped to find it before having to pick him up for an orthodontist appointment, but, alas that didn't happen. Then I figured, well then he has to tell his teacher he lost it. That might do him some good.

So this lovely child gets home in the evening and I inform him you MUST find this TODAY!  I did not want to have to buy him one, because he lost this one mysteriously. Those little buggers are like $60!!

We spent ALL afternoon looking for this. Pulling everything out of drawers, off the bed, out of the closet, looking in kitchen cupboards. No luck.

Then after dinner, I tell him look through everything AGAIN!!! He bellyached and moaned and I said, "DO IT!!!!" I sat down and started looking through his shorts drawer and guess what?!?!?! YUP! I found it. It was in that bastard drawer the whole time. I must be honest with you and tell you I "looked" through it once. Pretty much I moved the shorts around and it didn't pop up. And I know for a fact C#1 looked through it at least once, too.  And this drawer wasn't anything huge. It is one of those plastic clothing drawers you buy at Walmart, when you have too many clothes. I was very relieved and delighted and excited and relieved (yeah, I know I already said that, but, really, f-i-n-a-l-l-y...)

He then informed he had math homework and an English essay to re-write. And it was already 8:30. GET TO IT! Then he tried to get out of the essay by saying, "Oh, I don't have the book - I have to have direct quotes." Well mister, I have this lovely thing called an i-Pad and I can get you that special book and you can then do your re-write and then you can actually have it done for tomorrow! And the book download was free, so major win!!  But, oh what a stressful day.  I love having to harass the children to study/do homework/ do anything with school. *sarcasm - in case you didn't catch that.*

Now I can go to bed. Till next time...

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