Saturday, November 5, 2011

It was our first time....

Buying a refrigerator. I know what you were thinking. Sheeshhhhhhh. I finally acquiesced to purchasing a new one. We have lived at our humble abode for 14+ years and I was more than happy with the icky looking, off-white POS that was left by the previous owners. It worked fine, until recently. I can probably count on my hands how many times I actually heard the thing stop "running." Our electric bill was never horrible, but, we might see a vast improvement with this new purchase.  But, now I am straying from the original story.

At the end of last week I was making a bowl of hot oatmeal for C#1. I started to pour the milk into the bowl and it came out in big chunks. EwwwwwWWWWWW!!!!! It wasn't stinky or anything, just chunky milk. I had noticed that the fridge was being less than cooperative. I had that stupid thing cranked to the coldest setting and it still WAS.NOT.COLD!  The freezer was fine. So something between the freezer and fridge had malfunctioned. We went to a local Lowe's and purchased a newer, better looking piece of equipment. But, unfortunately due to the flooding and the fact that the Home Depot hasn't reopened they couldn't deliver the thing for eight days! We figured we could manage -- which we did.

Since the freezer was still working AND the ice maker, we were golden. I had a few ice packs, a Gatorade container full of water and ice that I rotated throughout the week. There were a few times when I thought the ice machine bit the dust, but, after a day of being obstinate it would start producing ice, again.  Phewwww!! I hate buying ice and the thought of purchasing it at a local grocery or convenience store makes me cringe. They charge an arm and a leg for a small bag. It would be worth it for me to run to Sam's to spend $2.70 or whatever for a 20+ lb bag.  But, I digress.

This morning the lovely delivery men from Lowe's delivered my brandy new fridge and hauled away the old POS -- FOR FREE!! How about that! I was more than pleased. Here are pictures of the old fridge and the new. My darling hubby was not impressed I took pictures of the POS, since it clearly hadn't been cleaned in a longgggg time. In my defense, after one of the door thingies on the door snapped off, I figured it looked horrible already, so what do I care.

Picture #1 is the outside of POS. See it's gross off white color that matches NOTHING!?! And the fact that it looks really grubby and I obviously NEVER moved some of the magnets.

Here's the inside. You can't really see it, but, the bottom door shelf thing was taped to the door. Otherwise all the salad dressings/condiments would have ended up on the floor and the door wouldn't shut. Classy, I know. And the door thingy that isn't there. The broken one. You had to be careful not to shut the door too hard or everything on that shelf flew out. It is really nasty. You gotta figure it's 15+ years old!! 

Now onto the new....

It's so nice and quiet, BIGGER, clean (for now), and matchy matchy!! Hip Hip Hooray for the new fridge!! I might have to be more vigilant about cleaning this one. One can only hope...........


Anonymous said...

ooooOOOOooo ... pretty! If only things could stay new. Like kittens, they get old and lose their appeal after a while.

BB said...

You are absolutely right!