Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Give them an inch....

...and they'll take a mile. What an accurate statement. Trying to be the nice Mommy, I have let C#1 and C#2 stay up later than normal the last couple of days. The first night was because we watched a movie and it ended late and the second night they were gorging themselves on candy.  You may wonder what I am rewarded with? Wellllllll..... Both nights they proceeded to get "wild." Screaming, yelling, running, carrying on. It was all in good spirits, but, I have zero patience for shenanigans when it is close to bedtime. I know, I should lighten up, but, it IS BED TIME! "Do not pass go..." AND go directly to BED! 

I could probably handle this better, but, then morning arrives. Since they were wild and obnoxious the night before, because they stayed up too late, they will now NOT get out of bed. Me trying to be the nice Mommy, again, tries not to get irritated and yell, etc, etc... That clearly does NOT work. Neither C's will get out of bed and HAVE to be yelled at. "GET OUT OF BED!! IT IS 6:30! THE BUS WILL BE HERE IN 20 MINUTES. WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH. DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR STUFF FOR SCHOOL. INSTRUMENT? BOOK? HOMEWORK? DID YOU EAT BREAKFAST?!" I am sure you get the gist . I have definitely grown weary of that rigmarole.

The solution. Alarm clocks. Yes, they do have them, but, they haven't actually used them. Me being the "nice" Mommy, again, trying to make the wake-up less startling. C#1 said he woke up before the alarm went off (a HUGE first) and he already had on his clothes. Although I had to hound him to brush his teeth and get some breakfast -- not in that order. C#2 didn't set her alarm right, so I had to wake her up. Thankfully she must have taken a lesson from the two previous days (or should I say the many years) and got up without too much fuss. I had to hound her to eat breakfast and do the teeth thing, but, not with any shrieking. Thank goodness!!

That means tomorrow will be the ultimate test. Hopefully it works.

On a different note.  I worked on C#2's quilt yesterday and it looks like I am on the home stretch. YAY!! Not that I am in any hurry.  It's gonna be super awesome when it's done.  I am still a quilting dunce, but, my BFF is definitely not, so it will ALL be good.  I will definitely post some pictures when it's done.

Till next time....

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