Saturday, January 12, 2013

I Love Cleaning Rooms...

Lovely C#2 decided it would be a "good" idea to lose a bunch of her hand held video games. After I found out, I informed her that she would have to find these said games before she could do anything "fun."  AKA Play video games.

Sooooooooooooooooooooo.... She proceeded to "pick" things up in her room.  I set the timer, since she apparently needs incentive to get it done! And I fetched the broom and started sweeping things out from underneath the nightstand. Holy Smokes! There was all sorts of extraneous crap underneath that thing. But, alas, no games.  I then grabbed the trusty broom handle and proceeded to pull out bucket loads of crap from underneath her dresser. OH.MY.GOODNESS!!! That space was FULL of to the brim with more crap! Not literal crap mind you, but crap none the less.  I asked her why on earth she would put literal garbage and other stuff underneath her dresser. She sayzzzz, "I didn't have a garbage at the time."  I'm like, "Welllll. Ummm... So you put the actual garbage underneath your dresser?!?!" Seriously?!?! Who does that??!? So I proceeded to sweep more and more crap out from underneath the dresser.  There was a huge pile of stuff when I was finished and then we proceeded in scrapping out the crap from underneath her bed. That amazingly enough wasn't as bad.  I am a "nice" Mommy and store my wedding dress and our luggage underneath her bed.  Not my bed. Hers. HAhahahahahHA!  I figure it's my privilege to fill up any extra space with my stuff!

Anywhooooo when we had gotten some of the mess under control I re-looked in her top drawer in her nightstand and lo and behold there was a lovely little bag and guess what was in there?!!?! The game that she was looking for. NOT all the games that I demanded she find, mind you. But, the game that started this rockin' adventure.

I washed her sheets and comforter and instructed her to "re-sheet" her bed. I knelt onto her bed to check out the other side and guess what I saw?!?! Yup! Her trusty little container that holds "those" games was on her shelf all out in the open. Figures.

She finished up her bed and I helped move stuff around so she could vacuum the floor.  After 2+ hours I decided to call it a day.  She has some more work to do, but, you CAN see the floor! That is a vast improvement!

See!! It's all nice and vacuumed! Probably the first time in months...  But, she has boxes of junk to go through.

This is what she still has to clean. Her dresser, desk, more dresser, book shelves, etc...

And she is definitely a girl after my own heart. She LOVES books! :)

So there you have it. My exciting adventure today. Cleaning C#2's room. Yay me.

Till next time!

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