Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Popsicles of Yore

I was trying to think of something "cool" to make to combat the heat. But, I wanted something semi-healthy. Then I remembered the popsicles my Mom and Grandma used to make for us to eat made out of orange juice.  And thennnnnnnn, completely by accident I found these:

There was definitely some divine intervention or divine assistance or something. The timing was impeccable!! I had resorted to making juice ice cubes.

They taste the same, but, definitely not as easy to eat. I resorted to adding them to mixed drinks. That was a stroke of genius I might add. Frozen drinks with an icy juice "pop"! But, that's just an aside.

I found the Tupperware popsicle making set at a thrift store and got it for a steal! I made the first batch using the cranberry/grape juice and they were a hit with C#1 and C#2.

They were delicious!

About a year ago, my Grandma gave me a quilt that was finished by my Great - Grandma, but, started by a "Many Greats" Grandma who was born in the 1800's. I finally found the perfect display for it and a safe spot.  It matches the colors in our "sunny room" perfectly, too.  It is definitely something that I will cherish!

That's it for now. Till next time...

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