Monday, July 16, 2012

A Dryer and Swiss Chard!

My dryer has been acting up lately. Making horrible, horrible noises. Banging, clanging, being all monster-y. I babied it for about two weeks. I halved the loads, which means I was doing lots and lots of loads. That worked for a bit -- no hideous banging/clanging. But, then that wasn't cutting it either.

I resorted to hanging the clothes out to dry. I am a big baby and love my dryer-dried clothes. I hate, hate, HATEEEEEEE "crunchy" towels. Who wants to snuggle into that after taking a nice relaxing shower?!? Well, maybe some of you. But NOT me!

Here's a lovely "crunchy" towel. There is a whole stack - Boohoo!  Maybe if I don't take a shower for a few days, everyone else will use them and I won't have to!

My dearest hubby was going to fix it, but, I have no patience and wasn't sure how long that endeavor was going to take. ANDDDD I was going out AND the store I was going to purchase it from was having a 10% off sale AND they have free delivery and pick up. SCORE!

Here is my new one!  I did some research (very little) and made sure to purchase one that had sensor dry or something like that on it. It just means it will stop running when everything is dry and not run on and on and on even if everything is done.  It is definitely an upgrade from my last one. We bought that one many, many years ago, after the one that was left at our house stopped heating right.  And we bought the cheapest one we could.  This one works great and dries everything and doesn't sound like it's breaking down the house and going to explode. All good, in my opinion.

Enough about that.  I was trying to figure out what to eat for lunch. After breaking open a bag of Kettle: Salt and Vinegar chips and downing 1/4 of the bag, I decided to get something freshly picked. I planted a large pot of swiss chard, but, the leaves are not that big and don't amount to much once cooked. So I decided to put some beet greens with the chard. I only have about four of those, but, the leaves on those babies are fairly large.  I cooked them up and they were delicious. Sadly it was only a teeny tiny amount, but, that is all right. I will survive.

Sigh....  I can't be too greedy though. The hubby and C#2 have both decided they like them a lot, too.

Here are some updated pictures of my "garden."  

The tomatoes in this grow box are going bonkers. The other ones are doing okay, too. But this one is ridiculous!

Remember when I said I don't space things out to plant?! Well this is what you get. Big clump of lettuce.

And there is one lone tomato actually getting red!!!

And here is an itty bitty cucumber from my lone ranger cucumber plant. It's doing pretty good, since I have it stuck in a pot.

C#1 and C#2 are both home today. After doing many, many chores (they have been very neglectful in the last week) we decided to watch a movie to hide from the heat.

We went to the theater to see it the first time. But, it is such a great movie!  Once the movie started playing I knew immediately who did the soundtrack. And we had, had a discussion about movie music just recently and I asked C#1 if he could identify the composer. I'm so proud that he could.

Anyway, that's it for today. Until next time...


Anonymous said...

Wash and hang towels only on a very blowy day, or let them get rained on, then leave out to dry. They'll be soft. I'll bring you chard on camp drop-off day if you remind me.

BB said...

YES, PLEASE!!!!!!!!! And thank you!!!!