Friday, April 22, 2011

And so it begins...

To blog or not to blog.... That is the question. After chatting with a friend and being encouraged to stake out my claim, to my lovely name, I decided to start.  I am not sure what it will amount to. Will it be about cooking, what I have read, movies I've seen, things I've done, life? Who knows. Perhaps it will be a conglomeration of all the above. My life has had it's fair share of ups and downs, ins and outs, zigs and zags. I have faith that there is some point to it all; that God has a plan for me. It doesn't all make sense or seem fair, at times.  But, like the game "Tetris," one of the few video games I do enjoy, we all fit into the puzzle one way or another.  I give no promises that it will be exciting or the least bit productive. But feel free to join me on this life "adventure".


a bit much said...

still waiting ...

BB said...

I'm working on it... :)