Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter Wonderland and a Cat

Today and tomorrow we are supposed to get many inches of snow.  The snow looked so pretty (as long as you don't have to go anywhere.)  I decided to go out and take a few pictures.

I then heard a meowing and lo and behold our "old" cat decided to follow me. 

Apparently he likes to take walks with his people. Snow or not.

I then walked to the other side of our property and Gizmo continued to follow me.

I started to head back to the house and Gizmo decided to cooperate and "pose" underneath the pine tree.

After taking too many pictures of the tree, the cat and the tree and the cat, I headed back inside. Gizmo followed after a bit.  He then parked his butt under the Christmas tree in the warm and cozy house.

That's it for today. Until next time...

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