Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Stove Top Popcorn

I finally got the directions to make stove top popcorn and I LOVE IT!!! It's super easy and tastes so stinkin' good. I could eat it all day, every day... That might not be a good idea.

First you add 3 TB of canola oil (or whatever salad/vegetable oil you have.)
Put 3 kernels into the pot...  Be sure you use a pot with a vented lid or have some sort of contraption that can be ventilated.

Wait until these 3 kernels pop.

Add 1/2 cup of kernels.

Put the lid onto the pot and wait.  The lid is kinda important since it would create a huge mess!

The oil in the pot was especially hot and it popped the kernels lickety split. I wasn't thinking and walked away for two seconds and wondered why it stopped making noise so soon. Well duh! It was done. 

Thankfully it only burned a very small amount and they didn't taste that bad.  Melt 2 TB of butter (or margarine or mix of butter/margarine) and pour over corn. Stir and enjoy!

This is a super fast and super delicious way to eat popcorn!

That's it for today. Till next time!

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