Saturday, October 3, 2015

Save Your Own Dill Seeds

My friend was kind enough to give me a bunch of dill weed plants.  She was cleaning up her garden and I was expanding mine.

After successfully replanting and after some time the dill started flowering.

I chopped off all of the yellow flower-y things and tied them upside down in a hole covered paper bag.  I put it in a dark closet and ignored it (well mostly ignored) for two weeks.

I was curious to find out what would happen. Especially since last year I bought a thing of dill seed, to make pickles, for about $3.00.

When I pulled the drying dill out of the bag, this is what I found:

A whole bunch of dill seeds that looked exactly like what I bought!  And I had even more!!!  I rubbed the dill plants gently onto the dish and then put them in an seed envelope. I have dried a second batch and hope to do it a third time, soon.   

Now I have to figure out what to do with a lot of dill seed. You can only eat so many pickles.

Till next time!

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