Monday, June 9, 2014

I survived the middle schoolers!

I survived the middle schoolers!

But, I am surprised I am not completely deaf...

They had a DJ and the music was very, veryyyyyyy loud. But, that might be because I am getting old. Of course, I wasn't the only adult that thought it was too loud.

I found it highly entertaining to watch these children run and dance around for two hours.

The DJ played many line dances.  "The Macarena," "The Chicken Dance," "The Hokey Pokey," "The Locomotion" -- just to name a few. 

 The Locomotion?!?!?  More like crazy train.

I was sad that the DJ didn't play "The Electric Slide" or "Crocodile Rock."  I might have had to participate.  But, then that would probably have made me "uncool."  C#2 did tell me not to be like the "Goldbergs" mom (a really funny show on ABC about a family in the 1980's.)  Although one of her friends tried to get me to participate in the dancing festivities. But, alas, I am now an old fogey and I don't know any "good" dance moves.

I am also happy to report there was no excessive PDA.  And only a little tiny bit of that even. There were only two slow songs and for the most part they all acted shy and weirded out by the whole idea of dancing with a boy or girl.  I will just presume they will "get over" that next year -- YIKES!  I will not volunteer for that function. I might have to cry.

So there you have it. My adventure with a large group of children that are 12 and 13.

As an aside, I felt a little bit bad for any of the children than knew me.  You know you go to these functions to get away from the adults (parents) you know.  C#2 didn't seem to mind.  She used me as a pit stop to drop her winnings, camera, etc. And I will admit that I took pictures without her permission and she didn't seem to mind.  I didn't go crazy with pictures, because, I wouldn't want to be "uncool," ya know....

Till next time.

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