Thursday, August 8, 2013


Well it is that time of year, again. Blackberry time!!! The in-laws have a very bountiful crop of this fine fruit.  I have made two blackberry pies, blackberry/cherry cobbler, blackberry dacquiris, and blackberry muffins.

My first blackberry pie was a success, but, the crust was a little bit more brown than it should have been. The second pie, however, was perfecccccctttt!!!

Here is the before baking picture:

I didn't ruin the top crust!! WHOOHOO!!! That never, EVER happens, EVER!!!!!!

And here it is after baking:

And I only had one spot that boiled over!!! Double WHOOHOO!!

Of course, the hubby and kids jokingly asked me if I actually made the pie.  Well, um, yeah!  I actually had witnesses! C#1 was right there when I put it together. Sheeeeesh!!

I also made blackberry muffins. I used the Diner Desserts blueberry muffin recipe and it worked great!

That's it for today.

Till next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alak, and alas! I have none.