Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pickle Relish

Today I realized that I had time to whip up some tuna macaroni salad.  However, when I went on a search for pickle relish, there was none to be found. I was deeply disappointed, since I usually have extras of everything on hand.  I went to the internet and found a very easy relish recipe. But, again, I didn't have the right pickles. But, I was able to get an idea of what to do.  I did find a new jar of bread and butter pickles, and decided that, that would do.

1 cup diced pickle (you choose your flavor)
2-3 TB yellow mustard
1 TB pickle brine

Put all three items in a food processor and process away! I used the Pampered Chef manual processor and it worked deliciously!

It turned out perfectly and I proceeded to add it to my tuna macaroni salad mix.

Of course, it looks really strange on top of the other salad ingredients, but, I forgot to take a picture before.  The salad was very good. And almost everyone liked it. But, that is the usual MO in this humble abode.

That's it for today. Till next time...

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