I was in the process of trying to find a recipe to make a chipotle dip of some kind and I found a recipe on the internet. I was too lazy to drag out a cookbook, but, lo and behold, I only had a couple of said ingredients. But you know me ---> Well you should, by now ---> No lack of an ingredient will stop me EVAAAA!
I had two avocados in desperate need of attention before going south. And by south I mean ending up in the garbage. I do hate throwing those out, they are so dang expensive! Anywhoooooo... Back to "my" recipe"
2 avocados, peeled and scooped out into a bowl
1 can (7oz or whatever you have) chopped green chilies
1/2 cup onion (I used white, but, I'm sure red would be amazing!)
3-4 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbl. lemon juice (I used the stuff in the big green bottle, aka concentrate.)
1-2 tbl fresh cilantro (I got this from my faux garden. Only add as much as you can stand. That stuff is strong.)
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup sour cream
Mash together and eat with chips or whatever you desire.
It's much greener, in real. And I should tell that the darling hubby liked it, too.
I should state that I had all of the ingredients mushed together, but, the last one and came to find out I added a teense too much salt. So, being the brainiac that I am, I added some sour cream. And that fixed it up
alllll nice.
I think for dinner today or tomorrow I will make wraps with the extra grilled chicken I have and add sauteed veggies and maybe some rice or something and then a glob of this stuff on top of that. That sounds good, right?!? I'm thinking it will taste fine and dandy.
I am also excited to announce that our roof is finished!! Took two days. The guys worked an extra long day on day #2 and finished even with the brief rain storm.
It is much, much better now....
In the process of having this done, we discovered some imperfections in the last siding/soffit fix. I had to make calls to get that in gear. And I was waiting around for the shop to call about my car, that apparently needs more work than it's worth. Thankfully the guy in charge, told me as much, so we just drove it home and will drive it until it dies (I had been without a car for a week.) Andddddd... While waiting and making various other phone calls, the camp where C#1 and C#2 are residing this week called. C#1 came into contact with poison ivy before getting to camp and is now all itchy. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I gave them permission to douse him with Benadryl, chamomile him up and gauze him with the threat of having to come home early. All in one day. And I didn't even mention everything. Good times. So, I decided to have this for lunch:

My customary coffee and a bowl of peanut butter cup ice cream with melted peanut butter and chocolate hard shell. It didn't make everything better, but, it sure tasted great.
Today has been easy peasy in comparison. But, it's still early. I hope I didn't just jinx it.
Till next time...........